Why still the law of attraction does not work for you in2023

Why still the law of attraction does not work for you in 2023

Why the law of attraction does not work for you?

Find it out now

Attracting small wishes and desires is easy to attract for most. However, challenges arise when we attempt to master the law of attraction for our big aspirations, and then we realize the law of attraction is not working out for us to attract the bigger goals and desires.

But have you ever noticed that the law of attraction sometimes works out for you and sometimes it just does not work for you?
It is not working out for you because of resistance and vibrational alignment with your desires and goals.

Everyone has this resistance within themselves, within your subconscious mind – you are perhaps unaware of it – Because of this inner resistance and vibrational alignment things become difficult for you, and the law of attraction does not give you the desired results.

Limiting Beliefs that you have about the Law of Attraction

There’s resistance that stops you from believing that you can have whatever you want in life.

For instance, you might use the law of attraction to manifest hundred dollars. However, when you are trying to apply the same principle to attract Hundred dollars, you are not able to do it.

This failure comes from the deep belief that you have within you how it will happen and you conclude Law of attraction does not work. On one side you are manifesting and on the other side you are feeling within yourself how it will happen,

So this limiting belief of yours creates resistance inside you and prevents you from manifesting with all your heart.
Limiting Beliefs that you do not deserve your desires

Thank God I am now out of my limiting belief. This was my biggest limiting belief that I did not deserve my dreams and desires. I had a lot of inner resistance inside me, which was stopping me from taking inspired actions toward my dreams.

Are you fighting with this limiting belief of yours that you do not deserve your desires?

You have all the talent, and abilities in your field, but when you want to apply the law of attraction to attract your dream house, dream Job, or dream partner by using the law of attraction techniques you start visualizing as well or practice positive affirmations daily, still, it does not work, because deep down you have been affirming or telling to yourself that you do not deserve it, you are telling you do not deserve the dream job or a dream partner.

Let us understand why this inner resistance comes when we manifest anything that we want. Let me tell you it is because of the lack of love and trust in the universe, also a lack of self-love and then you start thinking that you do not deserve it.

At times outside voices that you have been listening to that it is hard to achieve your dreams can create a lot of resistance in you resulting in the law of attraction not work for you

If you want the law of attraction to work for you whenever you want then you must find the solution to your inner resistance.
Look for help to resolve your limiting beliefs, resistances, and inner resistance to manifest your desires.

If you do not work on them, resistance will always be there in you and it will keep preventing you from manifesting your goals and this resistance will keep coming into your reality.

Our current reality is the result of our limiting beliefs and resistance, These beliefs reside within our unconscious mind and operate automatically, and control over us.

All these limiting beliefs that I am talking about are sitting in your unconscious mind, so have the courage to acknowledge them and you have great power that lies within each one of us.

we just have to tune it with the right set of frequencies that matches our desires.

Trust me,
The inner resistance and vibrational alignment are the only things that are keeping away from having an amazing life.

Most of our problems are related to our resistance.

1. Money related resistance
2.Health issues come from resistance
3.Depression comes from resistance
4.Poverty also comes from resistance
5.Relationship issues come from resistance

Money-related resistance is there because you do not allow Money to come to you easily. You have got the belief it is difficult to earn money, money is not growing on trees, and only privileged people deserve money. Because there is a resistance in you, that does not allow you to attract money into your life. So check what limiting beliefs and resistance you have to put to the universe.

Internal Doubts, Fears, and Resistance in you about the Law of Attraction

For instance, imagine you really want to succeed and make a lot of money. But every time you try to focus on your business, you start feeling doubtful.

The reason could be that deep inside, you’re worried and doubtful. You might think that if you become really successful, you’ll end up too busy for your loved ones – this thought might have come from what you have seen around you or from your parents.

Now, when you want to work on your business, your subconscious mind does something, like making you feel doubtful, or uneasy, so you can’t work anymore or procrastinate.

This happens because of the fear inside you, which is a roadblock. This inner resistance is preventing you to take inspired actions toward your goals.

Here’s another example of how fears can hold you back. Imagine you want a great relationship, but deep inside your mind – the part you might not even realize – there’s a fear of taking responsibility.

I personally had gone through this resistance so much in life and the result was that I kept myself away from relationships. Friends this inner resistance stops everything coming to us.

You might say you’re okay with it if we talk about it, but your inner beliefs could be different.

So sit silently and write down what is the inner resistance that is stoping you to get into the wonderful relationship that you truly deserve.

Find out and Fix What’s Holding You Back Inside.

When you’re having trouble bringing your dreams to life, whether it’s in your relationships, work, or anything else, try looking for what’s holding you back. try to find out what is resisting you to take action.

I will share my example here. I have been working hard and learning so much over the years but when it came to making my digital course on law of attraction I was having a lot of resistance inside me about whether my courses will be liked or whether people will buy my course.

Since i follow the law of attraction lifestyle i could overcome this resistance and now i am able to create digital courses soon i will start sharing with the world how to practice the law of attraction and implement in life to reap the benefits of it.

We all have different things that stop us. By listening to your thoughts and trying to understand them, you might find out what’s causing the problem. Once you know, face it and fix it.

There are many ways to change what your mind believes without you even realizing it. I keep on making videos and writing blogs where I talk about ways and provide tips to do it using various law of attraction techniques.

You can change what your mind thinks by getting into a special state called the alpha state. also, you can practice affirmations and it is a great tool to attract your desires.

you can watch videos on affirmations on my youtube channel.

Let’s get into these examples a bit more. Sometimes, the beliefs deep inside you aren’t truly yours – they could be from your family, friends, or even teachers.

For instance, my friend used to believe she was unintelligent. But as we talked, it turned out she didn’t actually think that way deep down. This idea was put in her mind by her brother when they were kids. He always said she was dumb.

Your unconscious mind tries to protect you. Let’s say you want to shed some weight. But deep inside, your unconscious mind might want you to stay overweight. This way, if something goes wrong, you can blame it on your weight.

Another friend had a resistance to being healthy. Her unconscious belief was that being sick would get her more love and attention. She realized that whenever she got sick, her big family paid her extra care and affection. So, as a kid, she learned that being sick meant getting love.

These are just a few examples. You might have your own resistances hidden deep inside. The key is to find and fix them so you can bring your desires to life.

Let’s delve into these examples a bit more. Sometimes, the beliefs deep inside you aren’t truly yours – they could be from your family, friends, or even teachers.

For instance, my friend used to believe she was unintelligent. But as we talked, it turned out she didn’t actually think that way deep down. This idea was put in her mind by her brother when they were kids. He always said she was dumb.

Your unconscious mind tries to protect you. Let’s say you want to shed some weight. But deep inside, your unconscious mind might want you to stay overweight. This way, if something goes wrong, you can blame it on your weight.

Another friend of mine had resistance to being healthy. Her unconscious belief was that being sick would get her more love and attention.

She realized that whenever she got sick, her big family paid her extra care and affection. So, as a kid, she learned that being sick meant getting love.

These are just a few examples. You might have your own resistance hidden deep inside. The key is to find and fix them so you can bring your desires to life.

Watch my YouTube video to learn more.

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